Friday, December 6, 2013

Water Bottle Chandelier

Although not made of paper, this chandelier is cute and fun. Instead, the crafter here uses water bottles. Looks like a good way to up-cycle your used water bottles, and gives me a little inspiration for my spiky paper lamp.

Paper Dress

On Pinterest, of course, I found a fashion designer, Diana Gamboa, that made an entire line out of paper. It's pretty inspiring to see what one can do with the material, and helps me feel a little more confident in paper manipulation, as I was getting worried this week about the lamp. Heres the link

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I was reading an interview from Urban Outfitters on Alexa Chung, and I really liked the page layout. You hit the arrows side to side, but scroll up and down to read. I thought it was really seamless, simple and elegant. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I saw this light online, I think it could be a great thing to try with paper. It creates really interesting lines in the rest of the space. I also like the mirroring on the bulb.