Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Typography Questions

What are the advantages of a multiple column grid.?
            You can have a more flexible grid and differentiation in hierarchy.

How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
50-55 characters and between 9 to 12 words according to Fonts.com

Why is the baseline grid used in design?
            You can align other text and photos with the baseline.

What are reasons to set type justified? ragged (unjustified)?
            Justified text can be hard to read, not allowing the reader to follow between lines as easily as ragged edges. Spacing can also becomes awkward in lines and leave wide blank spaces. But often it looks clean and compact on the page.

What is a typographic river?
            A gap in typesetting, which appears to run through a paragraph of text, due to a coincidental alignment of spaces.

What does clothesline, hangline or flow line mean?
an area across the top can be reserved for images and captions, and body text can “hang” from a common line

What is type color/texture mean?
            Color has to have enough contrast with the background to be easy to read.

How does x-height affect type color?
            A large x-height increases the negative space within each letter, so colors will appear lighter in more white space.

What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
            You can indent to the next line or skip a few spaces and not indent your sentence.

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