Saturday, March 21, 2015

Poster: Sketches and Questions

Questions to ask users:

Could you tell me what the purpose is of these additions?
Which set did you gravitate to first? Which was the most intriguing?
Was there anything you were confused by?
What did they make you think? Feel?
Which do you feel helped your understand of the topic the best?
Which is the most memorable?

Business Card / Business Sticker
Would you respect a business that had this sticker?
Would you not go to a store that didn't have this sticker (if they were to become popular)?
Would you keep the business card?

App / Taxi Ad
Did you find the app easy to use?
Would you take the time to scan the QR code and go through the app?
Would the taxi add offend you?
Would it make you look twice?

Wall annotation / Boxes
Do you find the wall annotation distracting from the original poster? Or does it add to it?
Did the boxes offend you? Were you unsure of their purpose?
Did it help you visualize the issues at hand?

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