Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Type 2: Journal 2, Thinking Form

I chose work from Ben Bos, Mimmo Castellano, Kenneth Hiebert, Romano Hänni, Yves Jose Zimmermann, and Rosmarie Tissi to discuss from Thinking Form for different reasons. I admired the simplicity and strength of the logo marks of Ben Boss and Minno Castellano, they are minimalistic but very powerful in their strong use of line and shape. Kenneth Hiebert also has strong logo marks on Thinking Form, but I most appreciated his posters. The layering affects he adds on create depth and dimension. With Romano Hänni I most liked this book that had repeated basic shapes and figured for patterns.The spreads were formed of simple shapes but very energetic. Yves Jose Zimmermann's strong use of the grid and white space resonate with me for their ability to look forward-thinking and modern to this day. In Rosmarie Tissi's page I more admired her poster work in regard to her use of shape and line with text. In one she breaks down a violin into many shapes which creates a lovely illustration that leads the viewer's eye to the information but also through the space. Overall the work, many being from the same years, encapsulates the modern era of twentieth century design and I can see that influence in so much of what is created today. Going forward I will be keeping these sources for inspiration and reflection.

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