Sunday, October 6, 2013

Understanding Comics

This reading was a little bit of information overload for me. There were a thousand visuals and the text was jumping all over the place, being in cartoon form. There were a lot of ideas thrown around, but here’s what stuck for me…
 When you turn an image into a cartoon, you are “amplifying” its meaning because you’re stripping the image down to its essential meaning in a way realism cannot.  It focuses you on the idea. We also see ourselves in cartoons, viewer identification has helped cartoon break into the world of pop culture.  All of the things we experience in life can be split into two categories, the concept and the senses. And words are the “ultimate abstraction”. Writing is perceived, you have to decode it, but pictures are received and the messages is instantaneous. We live in a “symbol-oriented culture”, where iconography is a form of universal communication. In the end, images only have the power that we give them.

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