Sunday, February 16, 2014

Photography: Masters of Illusion Video

Renaissance artists invented illusion through two-dimensional painting.
Bruneleschi demonstrated perspective, the vanishing point. About objects appearing smaller further in the differ. Giotto created depth, and was very close to to it but didn’t have the vanishing points. Mosacho” first used Bruneslschis The Trinity in 1427 was the first known painting to demonstrate true linear perspective.
            Artists then explored linear perspective, in paintings and sculpture, even wood veneer. Uccello would work through the night, “Oh what a delightful thing perspective is”.

            Albrecht Durer, known for engravings and woodcuts, wanted to bring Italian perspective theories to Northern Europe. Multiple vanishing point perspective. Made in depth studies of perspective and proportion of the humans figure.
            DaVinci was also an influence in his time, reexamining every aspect of his world. Had a fascination with sight, light and shadow.
            Artists used theories of light and shading in their paintings, creating hyperrealism. Atmospheric perspective was also utilized.
            Earheart Shern, used anamorphic art for political satire. They were also used to hide things in portraits.

            They used different points of view, to emphasize drama and create emotional ties, pushing viewers closer into scenes. During the High Renaissance Michelangelo and Raphael used these techniques in the Vatican.

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