Friday, February 28, 2014

Photography: A Viewer's Guide to Looking at Photography

            This reading gave lists of ways to view photography. What to look for and how to judge photography. I think its hard to give a set of rules for how to judge artwork, because every viewer reacts differently and has different previous associations and prejudices, but I think the reading does a really good job of giving us a lot of things (literally listed forty-eight things) to think about when evaluating a photo. It also gives tips, like always think of everything in the picture frame as important and intended to be there because it usually is. Think about textures, motion, color, perspective, motion, the frame, space and reality.  Think about the route your eye takes throughout the photo and the unknown aspects of the photo. Are there questions unanswered or asked? Is there symbolism, what is the subject matter? Asking questions and thinking about all of the factors help you get to the meaning of the photograph, which helps you evaluate what the photo means to you and what the artist intended.

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