Monday, February 17, 2014

Photography: Four Initial Ideas

A compilation and collage of the chaos of a college student's desk shows the hectic, stressful mess that takes over one's life, and one's desk. This would display the effect of time in a way that students can relate, quickly and hectically.
A compilation and collage of the massive exterior of a building, I'm thinking
Watson Library, photos taken from all different angles but made into one building, shows the large space in relation to the building itself. This would cause people to question how they think of an exterior, and show the relationship that a substantial building has to its surrounding elements.
A compilation and collage of photographs of a person to display their differences from day to day, night to night. This would display how people change over time, in little ways of appearance and also display how we look to the world over time.
A compilation and collage of photographs of a landscape shows how time and weather change the face of the earth. As the snow melts, the days grow longer, one will see a difference in the space and world around them through collage that would be forgotten in every day life.

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