Thursday, February 27, 2014

Photography: Susan Sontag

Susan Sontag ruminates on matters of photography, not a photographer herself, she inspects the world and comments on what she finds in the art. Sontag describes the nature of photography, that is puts the photographer at odds with the rest of the world, giving them a knowledge and power that cannot be attained elsewhere. And I agree that the photographer has a power that other artists in different media do not have, because they can capture the truth in the world. Whereas other artists, when taking the truth from their eyes, it goes through their brain and hands and their work is filtered through personal thought. Photography doesn’t have this filter; it can capture the real world. Of course there is staged photography, but the photography that is candid surpasses artistic representation of truths and goes straight for it. Sontag also emphasizes the capabilities of photography, how it can capture more than painting ever thought to. Photography can “democratize all experiences by translating them into images”. Photography has great power, its now-ubiquitous quality allows everyone to capture their world and experiences. Photography is an art form that lends itself to exposing truth and sharing the world. It is truly an innovative, amazing art.

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